Phoenix Centre: Emerge Aotearoa

Emerge Aotearoa’s Phoenix Centre is a Mobile Community Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Assessment and Treatment Service, based in Papakura for people in the Counties Manukau Health region.

Peer support specialists and AOD Clinicians work together to deliver tailored programmes that support whai ora in their recovery from alcohol or other drug harm.

Upon joining the programme, whai ora are matched with a peer support specialist who has lived experience with harmful alcohol or other drug use, and who will share their own recovery success story.

Their team works closely with the whai ora to put together their recovery plan. They help to set goals and consider values and beliefs when building each programme, understanding that everyone has different needs and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

They seek to support whai ora with the skills they need to effect change in their lives and community, and provide a key coordination role between the whai ora, their family, the community and the resources they wish to access and use.