“It was with a lot of excitement that the Recovery College was launched today with a workshop on Recovery Capital.  Great to see a good turn out too.   I wore two hats in the workshop, one  as the project manager, but I also had the opportunity to complete my own recovery capital goals too.

Although I had heard of the concept last year, like a lot of goal setting, I was probably in a different frame of mind when I put one together at the workshop.   The workshop was another nice reminder about getting some balance back in my life.   As someone said in the class to Brody ‘you opened up a little window, so putting it down on paper, I got to see it was attainable’.  

Therefore 3 weeks on, having signed up to a gym programme I am starting to see and feel the benefits both physically and mentally. There is certainly something to be said for looking at those gaps in our lives and putting some plans into areas we want to strengthen and grow. 

It was interesting as well to hear some of the really positive and inspiring comments around the room such as ‘Procrastination kills opportunities’.  This one really resonated with me, and has been a bit of a mantra I like to think of when I am defaulting to thinking of excuses as to why I may not be able to make it to the gym.   I’m looking forward to seeing where this journey goes to from here, and starting to increase some other areas in my recovery capital in the future.”  Kerri Butler – Project Manager